The way that I work is rooted in the psychodynamic approach. This means that I am interested in the connections between our past and present relationships and experiences, and the impact of unconscious processes such as dreams and buried memories. In exploring these unconscious processes, psychodynamic therapy can help you to uncover parts of yourself and your emotional world that you are less aware of, relieving feelings of stuckness or loss of control.
The therapeutic relationship – what goes on between you and me in the room – is also an important part of our work together. By being curious about what is happening in the 'here and now', we can find out more together about your inner world and your relationship patterns.
My approach takes account of the importance of identity and cultural background in shaping our experience, and the intersections of oppression and mental health. I work affirmatively with gender, sexuality and relationship diversity (GSRD) including trans and queer identities, non-monogamy and other non-normative relationship styles.
I am non-judgmental and non-directive. My role is to help you uncover the knowledge that you carry, and it is what you bring to the sessions that will guide the focus of our work.